
Auction Clerking Software for professional auctioneers. Clerk sold items, collect from buyers and pay sellers. French's Software, PO Box 43, Orford NH 03777. LiveAuctionIT©2006


Customer Testimonials

What our users say

Just wanted to let you know how much we like LiveAuctionIT. We only use it with 2 computers at this time. The system is so easy to use. My staff only had a short time to train before we had an Auction and everything went great. We did a benefit Auction a couple of weeks after we started using the program and we let one of the people helping with the benefit clerk with no problems. It is certainly a great program and makes checking out a breeze. I’m really glad we changed to your program. You said your support would be there, but so far we haven’t needed it.


Sam Mooneyham, Arkansas

LiveAuctionIT is an excellent program for auctioneers that is reliable and easy to use. This program is good and it’s all you need. It has improved the payment center 100% at the auctions. I don’t know how I managed prior to this program. There are no more mistakes such as clerks missing sold items and checking out is fast. There are no errors on the calculations and buyers premium and taxes. The program saves all customer information and makes auctions efficient. It is a self explanatory system. I have trained clerks to use this program in less than 10 minutes. Its simple-1. Enter bidder information, 2.-then entering sold items and 3.-printing invoices. If you make a mistake in any field, such as entering the wrong price or bidder number there are boxes to easily fix them. You do not need computer experience to use this program. The best part about LiveAuctionIT is the customer service. John French knows the system and is always available for any questions. He is one of the best people I have ever dealt with in business. He wants to help you and will do anything to make you happy and comfortable.

Alan Turobiner
Lawsons Inc.- Since 1993

1. The PRICE is Right!
2. A very user friendly and easy to learn program.
3. No pricey wireless modems to buy.
4. I am running 2 laptops (wireless), an N router and a wireless Laser printer, all of this PLUS your software for under a $1000.
5. Support from you is OUTSTANDING!

 We used MAXA for 10 years and we were in our “Comfort Zone”, my clerks love LiveAuctionIT and made a seamless transition. My buyers and sellers are impressed with the speed and quality of the invoices that LiveAuctionIT produces.

I would recommend LiveAuctionIT to anyone whether they are computer literate or not.

This is the affordable Auction Software!

If anyone wishes to contact me about LiveAuctionIT, please feel free to call me @ 704.506.0626 or email


Bill Cox, B2 Mobile Auctions